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book cover

Monday, April 15, 2024

             News from the workshop Since Stela's journey into the world, Cristofovici has completed a new novel and is currently working on a book that combines essays, fiction and photographs. Two sections of this collage of journeys into language, imagination and space have appeared in the on-line journals La Piccioletta Barca (UK) and alligatorzine (Belgium):

• "Mount Sainte-Victoire (or Cézanne Revisited)" - by Anca Cristofovici 

 • "From Paris to Duino", alligatorzine241 | Anca Cristofovici | A Peculiar Atlas  

An excerpt from the novel has been shortlisted for the La Piccioletta Barca Prize 2024:

• La Piccioletta Barca | SHORTLIST: "Crystals Out of Chaos" by Anca Cristofovici